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SharePoint 2016 CU安装失败,"Exception: The upgraded database schema doesn't match the TargetSchema"的解决方案

  • 2022-04-04
  • 来源/作者: 菜鸟图库/ 菜鸟图库
  • 288 次浏览

在安装完SharePoint2016 Cumulative Update,执行SharePoint2016 Products Configuration Wizard时失败,弹出下面错误信息:

Exception: The upgraded database schema doesn't match the TargetSchema

SharePoint 2016 CU安装失败,"Exception: The upgraded database schema doesn't match the TargetSchema"的解决方案


  1. 对Content Database执行Upgrade:

Get-SPWebApplication-IncludeCentralAdministration | Get-SPContentDatabase | ?{$_.NeedsUpgrade –eq$true} | Upgrade-SPContentDatabase -Confirm:$false

SharePoint 2016 CU安装失败,"Exception: The upgraded database schema doesn't match the TargetSchema"的解决方案

  1. 等待完成,重新执行“SharePoint2016“SharePoint2016 Products Configuration Wizard”。