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在VBA中使用条件格式的示例_Excel 2007新知

  • 2023-02-04
  • 来源/作者: Wps Office教程网/ 菜鸟图库
  • 150 次浏览

Since I have had some comments and emails asking about how the new conditional formatting features could be accessed using VBA, I wanted to provide a few brief examples. One of the Excel team’s principles is that when we add new features, we make sure that they are available programmatically as well as in the user interface. The Excel 12 object model, accordingly, supports all conditional formatting functionality that is supported in the UI. This includes creating, editing, or deleting rules, or changing priorities on rules.

自从我收到一些关于“如何在VBA中使用新的条件格式”的询问,我就想提供给大家一些简单的示例。在我们Excel开发团队中有一条法则:当我们增加任何新功能时,我们必须确定它们在被程序调用时能和在用户界面中工作的一样好。Excel 12的对象模型支持所有出现在用户界面中的条件格式功能,包括增加、编辑和s删除规则,或者更改规则的优先级。

As folks who have written conditional formatting VBA in previous versions of Excel will know, the FormatConditions collection hangs off the Range object. Let me briefly run through some examples of how our new functionality is exposed in the FormatConditions collection.


Creating a rule:

The new conditional formatting rules we have introduced in Excel 12 (Databars, Color Scales, Icon Sets, Top n, etc.) can be created using the Add<objectname> method in the FormatConditions collection. For example, to add a Databar, run:



Excel 12中,新的条件格式的规则(Data bars, Color Scales, Icon Sets, Top n等待),可以在条件格式集中使用Add <对象名>的方法来创建。比如,创建一个data bar:


Editing the rule:

To edit the rule, index into the FormatConditions collection and modify the properties. For example, to change the bar color, run:

Range("A1:A5").FormatConditions(1).BarColor.ColorIndex = 3

Here, the number 1 indexes the first rule on the range.


编辑规则是通过定位条件格式集的索引号并修改其属性。比如,更改data bar的颜色:

Range("A1:A5").FormatConditions(1).BarColor.ColorIndex = 3


Editing the priority:

In Excel 12, we introduced the idea of rule priorities to support multiple conditions on a range. The priority determines the order of application of the rule. In the object model, we also have the Priority property on the FormatConditions object. This property is tracked at a sheet level. For example, to verify the priority of a rule, run:


To make this rule the lowest priority:


To assign a specific priority:

Range("A1:A5").FormatConditions(1).Priority = 3

Note that if you had three rules, setting the priortity to be 3 and using SetLastPriority would have the same effect.

Deleting the rule:

You can delete a specific rule by indexing into it and then calling the Delete method


To delete all rules in the specific range, call the Delete method on the FormatConditions collection.



在Excel 12里,规则优先级这个概念表示支持在一个区域建立多重条件,优先级决定规则执行的次序。在对象模型里,我们同样可以使用条件格式对象的优先级属性。此属性在工作表级被追踪,比如,检验某条规则的优先级:





Range("A1:A5").FormatConditions(1).Priority = 3







Here’s another example. Imagine you wanted to write VBA to highlight the Top 5% of the values in the range A1-A10 with a red fill. Here is the code snippet for this:


Sub Top5Percent()

'Adding the Top10 rule to the range


'Assign the rank of the condition to 5

Range("A1:A10").FormatConditions(1).Rank = 5

‘Set the Percent property true. It is false by default.

Range("A1:A10").FormatConditions(1).Percent = True

'Set the color to a red fill

Range("A1:A10").FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

End Sub

Hopefully these examples are useful.
