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TTC字体文件详解(TrueType Collection字体)

  • 2021-11-11
  • 来源/作者: 不详    / 佚名    
  • 14 次浏览

  TTC字体是TrueType字体集成文件(. TTC文件),是在一单独文件结构中包含多种字体,以便更有效地共享轮廓数据,当多种字体共享同一笔画时,TTC技术可有效地减小字体文件的大小。




  TTC:TrueType Collection file. A scheme where multiple TrueType fonts can be stored in a single file, typically used when only a subset of glyphs changes among different designs. They're used in Japanese fonts, where the Kana glyphs changebut the Kanji remain the same. 

  TTF:The recommended file extension for TrueType font files on the PC. On the Macintosh, exactly the same data is in an *'sfnt' resource. The recommended file extension for the TrueType flavour of *OpenType fonts is also TTF. (But Type 1 flavour OpenType fonts should have an OTF extension.)