
What are Groups for Office 365 ?
Groups for Office 365 is a new way of working with your colleagues and people outside of your network. They focus on the collaboration experience rather than one specific technology like SharePoint.Let's take a look at how it works and if it's a contender to our beloved Team Sites.The first step should be better understanding what we get when we subscribe to Office365.New Collaboration and Team Site ExperienceWith therecent announcement by Microsoft on SharePoint 2016, they talked a lot aboutbringing "Experiences" to Office 365 instead of focusing onindividual technologies.Today,when we think Team Collaboration, we often associate it with SharePoint TeamSites. However, it's often more than that. Not to mention that the needs fromour users have changed and evolved with a generation that is very comfortablewith technology.If IT isgoing to restrict access or take too long to deliver a Team Site that won'tanswer their needs and ask for each document to be tagged with all the requiredmetadata, they may just look elsewhere.Groups for Office 365 is one of these newexperiences that helps teams work together by joining Exchange and SharePointtogether in a simple way. Right now, they are still relatively new and needtime to mature into an enterprise solution. However, even today they present a greatalternative to Team Sites by helping to facilitate collaboration with themembers of the group.This newservice can be broken down into different pieces or features to provide youwith an overall experience for collaboration.•Conversations•Calendar

office 365更新失败解决方案
最近被office 365的更新恶心到了,一直报错,word、excel、ppt都打不开,最后在知乎一位老哥的帮助下解决问题1.打开运行(win+R)2.输入services.msc3.找到Microsoft Office ClickToRunservice4.右键终止就不会自动更新了(感觉有点治标不治本,不过能用就行)

今天使用电脑打开word文档的时候,显示office正在更新,但是过了一会又出现了应用程序无法正常启动。网上找到了一个很好的解决方法输入services.msc2.将Microsoft Office即点即用服务设为自动3.执行第二步的时候,如果已经是自动状态,重新启动该服务即可。