
我们翻译时虽说有很多词典可用,比如曾推荐的英文写作翻译必不可少的英语典翻译,以及对英文写作有帮助的一些网站和软件:WhiteSmoke,易改和 Wordhippo 等等。但是呢曾经谷歌翻译也是不可或缺的一个英文翻译助手。百度也有一款相似的产品:百度翻译。其实我认为百度翻译是百度所有产品中算是精品的一个。科研动力本文就比较一下百度翻译和谷歌翻译。对于科研人员,我们使用这些翻译的时候,多是翻译一些专业的文章和词汇。现在分成以下几个方面比较一下。文章翻译下面以新英格兰的一篇文章为例说明一下:Gastric PneumatosisA 4-month-old girl presented with poor feeding and nonbilious emesis. At 1 month of age, she had been hospitalized briefly for emesis but was able to feed until 1 week before presentation. She appeared well, and her abdomen was soft but distended. Laboratory investigations revealed a hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, and radiographs showed gastric pneumatosis (Panels A and B, arrows). A nasogastric tube was placed, and intravenous administration of fluids was started. Radiography of the upper gastrointestinal tract with contrast revealed contrast medium passing into the small intestine; follow-up images showed resolution of pneumatosis and a “double bubble,” which suggested duodenal obstruction (Panel C). Duodenal obstruction caused by a duodenal web was identified intraoperatively, and a duodenoduodenostomy was performed, which resulted in resolution of symptoms. Gastric pneumatosis is rare and probably results from mucosal disruption due to ischemia or infection that allows gas to infiltrate into the wall of the stomach. In newborns, gastric pneumatosis is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis, but increased intragastric pressure from severe obstruction caused by duodenal blockage, pyloric stenosis, or a lactobezoar may also produce gastric pneumatosis.我们现在把这一段文章全部复制到百度翻译和谷歌翻译窗口中看看从翻译结果来看,两者的翻译当然都不准确,不过都还可以接受的范围内,毕竟全是机器翻译的。两者的翻译都有不错的地方,比如第一句,百度的翻译还是较符合中国的用语习惯的。但是后面的内容就比较寒碜了,「presentation」百度居然翻译成了「出现了」,而这里谷歌翻译表现不错。另外在翻译「contrast」的时候,谷歌翻译秒了百度翻译。但是两者对于「lactobezoar」这种很专业的词都没翻译出来。因此对于专业文章的段落翻译,这两个翻译的结果都不理想,需要结合专业知识进一步判断,这是翻译后的文章:因十二指肠蹼引起的新生儿胃积气,当然也不能算完全正确。我们再把翻译过来的文章释读过去看看,因为中文是参考的因十二指肠蹼引起的新生儿胃积气的一文,这个文章中的表达应该比较符合中文的表达习惯,最后两者翻译成如下: