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IX 对SQL服务器分析服务的更强大支持(二)
IX 对SQL服务器分析服务的更强大支持(二)

All that said, let’s return to Excel 12, and take a look at what the PivotTable Field List looks like when connected to an Analysis Services 2005 model.我们说了那么多,让我们回到Excel 12,看看当连接到Analysis Services 2005模型时数据透视表的字段清单长什么样。Measure groupsWhen connected to Analysis Services, a PivotTable exposes three types of fields – “measures”, or the numbers (like “sales” and “profit”) that appear on your PivotTables, as well as “KPIs” and “dimensions” (both discussed below). Measures can be grouped together in Analysis Services (by the person that designs the model) into something called “measure groups”. In the Excel 12 field list, each measure group has a “sigma” icon to communicate to the user that the fields in the group are numerical and that they belong in the Values area of the PivotTable. Measure groups essentially represent different sets of business metrics available for analysis; typically a measure group contains related measures from the same business application. In the image below, the Exchange Rates measure group folder is open and there are two measures listed which can be added to the PivotTable – Average Rate and End of Day Rate.衡量组合当连接到Analysis Services时,数据透视表会显示三类字段——“衡量”,或者数字(如“销售”和“利润”),还有“KPIs”和“维度”(下面都会讨论)。衡量可以在Analysis Services里组合(由设计该模型的人)为名叫“衡量组合”的东西。在Excel 12字段清单里,每个衡量都有一个“西格马”图标,告诉用户该组合里的字段是数字型的,并且它们都属于数据透视表中的数值区域。衡量组合本质上代表不同的分析可用的业务方法(译者:作者经常提到Business Metrics,不明所以,暂且译为业务方法);衡量组合通常包含来自相同业务软件的相关衡量。在下面的图像上,Exchange Rates衡量组合是开启的,有两个衡量,它们可以添加到数据透视表——Average Rate和End of Day Rate。Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)Below the measure group folders are is a KPI folder (assuming KPIs have been defined in an Analysis Services model). This folder contains Key Performance Indicators defined on the Analysis Services server. (Key Performance Indicators are a big subject unto themselves – for the sake of this article, suffice to say that they track key business metrics and that they are defined in Analysis Services). The different components of a KPI (Value, Goal, Status and Trend) can be added to the Values area of the PivotTable so you can track the latest values of your key business metrics. Here is a screenshot of the KPIs folder … in the image, the Product Gross Margins KPI is open and all you have to do to add the Value, Goal, Status or Trend of the KPI to the PivotTable is to check the checkbox next to it.关键性能指标(KPIs)

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一切似乎都很简单……要提高对销售或其他衡量指标的预测,您只需要找到领先指标…与关键衡量指标高度相关但有时差的衡量指标。然后,您可以使用这些领先指标作为预测的基础。 但是,当您尝试使其全部工作时,这个简单的想法可能会成为巨大的挑战。例如,假设下图中的蓝色Data1线显示了您在广告上的支出。并假设红色的Data2行显示了您的销售额。乍一看,您似乎真的需要更改广告策略,因为…

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