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Managed Add-In Improvements加载宏的改进(译者:原文中有多处出现Managed,笔者认为直译出来反而会很绕口,忽略它也不会影响理解。)Today we have the second of two guest posts from Patrick Smith, a program manager on the Office Programmability team. 今天,我们发表两篇客串帖子中的第二篇,来自Patrick Smith,Office 程序开发小组的程序经理。Overview and Background概述和背景Managed code is becoming more and more prevalent in add-ins written for Microsoft Office products. Also shipping around the same time frame as the 2007 Microsoft Office System is the next version of Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO). The next version of VSTO has added support for creating application level add-ins. The demand for better support of managed add-ins is clear since with Office 2003, there are a few challenges when running managed code. Among these challenges are security, resiliency, administration, and isolation. Most of these challenges are the result of add-ins based on mscoree.dll which is the loader used by the default VS.NET add-in template.代码在为Office成品编写的加载宏里变得越来越流行了。Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)下个版本和Office 2007大概在同一时间段上市。VSTO的下个版本增加了对在应用软件级创建加载宏的支持。自从Office 2003开始,代码的更好支持的需求就已经清楚了,但是,运行代码时会有一些挑战。在这些挑战中有安全,恢复,管理和隔离。这些挑战中的大多数都是由于加载宏基于mscoree.dll而导致,mscoree.dll是缺省的VS.Net加载宏模板使用的加载器。

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如何通过设置为 Win 10 UWP 应用解除网络隔离
如何通过设置为 Win 10 UWP 应用解除网络隔离

UWP 是微软在 Windows 10 中引入的新概念,由于所有 UWP 应用均运行在被称为 App Container 的虚拟沙箱环境中,其安全性及纯净度远胜于传统的 EXE 应用。但 App Container 机制同时也阻止了网络流量发送到本机(即 loopback), 使大部分网络抓包调试工具无法对 UWP 应用进行流量分析。同样的,该机制也阻止了 UWP 应用访问 localhost,即使你在系统设置中启用了代理,也无法令 UWP 应用访问本地代理服务器,十分恼人。其实 Windows 10 自带了一款名为 CheckNetIsolation.exe 的命令行工具可以帮助我们将 UWP 及 Windows 8 Metro 应用添加到排除列表,具体步骤如下:首先通过 Win + R 快捷键打开「运行」窗口,输入「Regedit」打开注册表编辑器,然后定位到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Mappings ,接着在左边的注册表项中找到你想解除网络隔离的应用,右边的 DisplayName 就是应用名称,而左边那一大串字符就是应用的 SID 值了。  在终端中输入 CheckNetIsolation.exe loopbackexempt -a -p=SID,出现「完成」后就大功告成了。  

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