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SharePoint 如何为用户组自定义EventReceiver
SharePoint 如何为用户组自定义EventReceiver

在SharePoint的开发中,EventReceiver是很重要的一个部分,但是,常常遇到有些需要事件的时候,却没有相应的模板,因为EventReceiver创建时的模板只有那几个,除此之外我们就无法使用EventReceiver了么?其实不然,下面让我们以用户组为例,介绍下其他类型EventReceiver的创建方式。  1、新建一个Project,选择SharePoint 2013 – Empty Project,如下图:  2、选择Debug的站点,解决方案类型为Farm Solution,如下图:  3、添加一个Feature,我们通过Feature来注册EventReceiver,下面会详细介绍,如下图:  4、修改Feature的名字,方便我们知道是做什么用的,如下图:  5.修改Feature的基本信息和Scope,如下图:

SharePoint Server 2016 Update
SharePoint Server 2016 Update

In February, we shared our vision on the evolution of SharePoint, outlining our plans for continued cloud innovation with SharePoint in Office 365, and providing a glimpse of the work underway to deliver our next on-premises server release, SharePoint Server 2016.  With Ignite just a few weeks away, we’re getting ready to share more details on the innovation we’re bringing to SharePoint 2016. In the meantime, I wanted to provide an update on release timing and share some of the key enhancements and new capabilities we’re focused on.Today, we are confirming that SharePoint Server 2016 will become generally available in Q2 2016, with a public beta planned for Q4 2015.  We also want to confirm our commitment to delivering on-premises releases of SharePoint for the foreseeable future. We envision a future where we will continue to have customers who choose a combination of on-premises, cloud and hybrid deployments for many years to come.  We’re excited to start sharing information on our SharePoint investments at Microsoft Ignite, so below I’ve highlighted some of the most relevant sessions to attend if you’re interested in learning more about the road ahead.As we think about the next version of SharePoint Server, we’re paying close attention to trends in content management, team collaboration, user experiences across devices, and how the cloud can be blended into existing on-premises scenarios in new and compelling ways. In particular we are focused on delivering value to customers as part of their on-premises deployments, while at the same time making it easier to take advantage of cloud innovation thru hybrid deployments of SharePoint Server with Office 365. With that backdrop, SharePoint Server 2016 will deliver enhancements and new capabilities in three major areas:Making decisions faster and keeping in contact are critical capabilities for increasing effectiveness in any organization. Users’ ability to access information while on the go is now a workplace necessity. SharePoint Server 2016 will provide improved mobile access to content, people and applications along with touch-based experiences across devices and screen sizes. It will make file storage and document collaboration more people-centric. And it will enable improved user experiences and capabilities derived from innovations in Office 365, available either as part of your on-premises deployment or through a hybrid implementation of SharePoint Server 2016 and Office 365. For example, users will be able to quickly discover contextually relevant information and data that is stored across both on-premises and cloud environments powered by Office Graph and Delve. And, we’re focused on helping you streamline communications with richer integration with Exchange and Yammer, as well as broadening access and management of new types of media thru integration with Office 365 Video as examples.Learn more about improved user experiences and hybrid investments at Microsoft Ignite:Implementing Next Generation SharePoint Hybrid Search with the Cloud Search Service ApplicationMVP Panel: SharePoint On-Premises, Online and Everything in BetweenSharePoint 2016 is the first on-premises server release representative of our experience running SharePoint at scale in Office 365, bringing our own internal investments to your datacenter that improve performance, reliability and scale as well as enabling true hybrid scenarios that can enrich your existing on-premises investments.In addition, with an improved, simplified user experience and integration with products such as the next release of Windows Server, the next generation of SQL Server, and Exchange Server 2016, SharePoint Server 2016 will simplify end-user training and support for IT.

293 次浏览
SharePoint 如何配置基于AD的Form认证
SharePoint 如何配置基于AD的Form认证

配置SharePoint 2013基于AD的Form认证,主要有三步:1. 修改管理中心的web.config;2. 修改STS Application的web.config;3. 修改Web应用程序的web.config并开启FBA;  首先,修改CA的web.config,一般在不知道端口号的时候(因为创建CA的时候,即使我们修改了端口号,创建后也会使用默认的那个,但是访问却使用我们填写的那个),我们选择在IIS中找到CA文件路径,如下图:  通常我们应该先进行web.config的备份,然后进行修改,防止改错以后无法还原;当然如果你有其他SharePoint环境,改错以后覆盖一下也是可以的;  在</configSections>下面的位置加入如下图节点,如下图:

SharePoint 部署解决方案Feature ID冲突
SharePoint 部署解决方案Feature ID冲突

中文报错:  部署步骤“添加解决方案”中出现错误: 已在此服务器场中安装 ID 为 735efe4e-8b50-4310-b588-c6ae2ba0759f 的功能。请使用强制属性显式地重新安装此功能。英文报错:  Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': A feature with ID {Guid} has already been installed in this farm.  Use the force attribute to explicitly re-install the feature.解决方法:  一般发生这种情况,是因为服务器场上已经部署了一个相同Guid的解决方案,而Feature的安装不是强制安装造成的。修改Feature的安装属性为强制安装,即可;  如下图,在Feature的视图下按F4,右面弹出属性面板,修改强制部署,即可;同时,还可以修改Feature的基本属性。  当然,我们还可以直接修改Feature的模板文件,添加我们需要的属性,如下图: 

300 次浏览
SharePoint 如何搭建负载均衡(NLB)
SharePoint 如何搭建负载均衡(NLB)

简单描述首先,为三台虚拟机安装操作系统,我这里选择的是Windows Server 2012 DataCenter R2版本;其次,配置三台虚拟机,包括修改机器名(可选)、静态IP、关闭防火墙(可选)、关闭IE Enhanced Security Configuration(可选);这里需要说明的是DC的网关指向自己,另外两台前端的网关指向DC,如果有其他应用服务器,也需要网关指向DC,否则加域的时候可能找不到域控;最后,为三台服务器分别安装服务和软件环境,配置NLB,配置SharePoint环境;详细过程  ADAndSql服务器安装操作系统(Windows Server 2012 DataCenter R2版本);修改机器名、静态IP地址,默认网关(指向自己),关闭防火墙和IE增强服务;添加AD、DNS、DHCP服务,并升级为域控;

375 次浏览
SharePoint 如何在母版页中插入WebPart
SharePoint 如何在母版页中插入WebPart

如何在母版页里插入自己开发的WebPart。其实很简单,母版页中虽然不允许插入WebPartZone,但是Designer就可以插入WebPart;或者手动注册,然后插入WebPart也可以,不过Designer插入的时候,会自动在头部注册的。  首先我们开发一个测试用的WebPart,代码很简单,只是输入一段文字,然后部署到网站,如下图:  比如我想修改PageTitle这个为我们自定义的WebPart,如下图:  在下面的位置,插入我们的webpart(我是F12在上图页面上找到一个ID叫PageTitle,然后认定这个节点是上图位置),如下图:  不要删掉下面的节点(删掉ContentPlaceHolder节点会报错!),而是剪切到最下面,设置Visible为false,如下图:  鼠标光标放到要插入的位置,点击菜单上的WebPart,如下图:

SharePoint 场解决方案包含第三方程序集
SharePoint 场解决方案包含第三方程序集

当我们使用SharePoint 场解决方案的时候,经常会包含第三方的程序集,而第三方的程序集经常会有强签名的问题,如果有强签名可以部署到GAC,没有的话也可以部署到应用程序下。  那么,很多初学者部署的时候,会纠结怎么将dll跟随wsp部署到GAC或者应用程序,其实,很简单,下面跟着步骤来看一下吧。  我这里创建了一个解决方案,就是一个List模板,包含了一个第三方dll(我这里为了测试,就引用了一个其他解决方案的dll),如下图:  双击解决方案里面的Package下面的Package.package,选择Advanced选项卡,如下图:  点击Add添加引用,可以有两个选择,这里我选择第一个,如下图:  这里我们可以选择部署到GAC还是应用程序,可以添加dll的强名称等操作,如下图:

267 次浏览
SharePoint 如何配置基于表单的身份认证
SharePoint 如何配置基于表单的身份认证

这里简单介绍一下为SharePoint 2013 配置基于表单的身份认证,简单的说,就是用Net提供的工具创建数据库,然后配置SharePoint 管理中心、STS服务、Web应用程序的三处web.config即可。下面,让我们以图文的方式了解创建的具体过程吧。  使用微软提供的工具,创建数据库,找到Framework64下的aspnet_regsql,如下图:  这里我发现C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64的v2.0.50727路径下和v4.0.30319路径下都有这个文件,试着分别运行了,发现没什么区别;  双击aspnet_regsql,弹出创建向导,点击下一步,如下图:  选择安装选项,我们是要配置,不是移除,如下图:  填写数据库服务器名和数据库名称,我这里是单独实例,不是默认的实例,所以server看起来比较奇怪,如下图:

SharePoint 2013 表单认证使用ASP.Net配置工具添加用户
SharePoint 2013 表单认证使用ASP.Net配置工具添加用户

我们了解到如何为SharePoint 2013配置表单身份认证,但是添加用户是一个麻烦事儿;其实,我们还可以用Asp.Net的配置工具,为SharePoint 2013添加表单用户,下面让我们简单介绍下,如何操作。  打开Visual Studio,新建项目,选择Asp.net web application类型,如下图:  点击OK,进入选择模板页面,如下图:  创建完毕,双击打开web.config,如下图:  添加数据库连接串,连接的是我们表单认证的数据库,不要写错了,如下图:  添加membership和roleManager,和之前配置基本一致,如下图:

279 次浏览

我们介绍了如何为SharePoint配置表单登陆,但是,登陆页面是丑、很丑、非常丑、特别非常丑!我们现在就介绍一下如何定制SharePoint表单登陆页面!  SharePoint 表单认证的页面,在每个Web App的端口下的_forms文件夹中,如下图:  进去发现有一个页面和一个配置文件,我们主要修改这个页面就可以了,如下图:  主要就是修改table里面的格式,我们通常新建一个Table替换掉现有的,然后把相应控件移动到我们需要的位置,即可,如下图:  我们把自己修改好的HTML替换掉原来的Table即可,但是用户名、密码、登陆等几个控件不要删掉哦,要不没办法登陆,记得放到相应位置,如下图:  然后我们就发现,表单登陆页面变得好看太多太多了,吼吼。

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