
当你把一本书都制作好了以后,是不是在为制作目录发愁呢?如果一条一条输入目录的内容,是不是很繁琐呢?这里,我们可以巧妙地利用Word中的“样式”功能,建立好一本书的大纲结构。然后,再用Word里的“目录和索引”功能,一键完成一本书的目录。 步骤/方法 第一步,用Word打开一份文档。先在草稿纸上规划好一本书的总体大纲结构。一本书有书名,这个是主标题。然后这本书里有若干章节,这个就是1级标题。然后每个章节下有若干节小课,这个就是2级标题。每课里面有若干个主题,这个就是3级标题。依此类推,后面也可以有4级标题、5级标题,等等。下面是一个示例的大纲结构,在目录里,一般缩进得越多,标题级数也就越多。 第二步,选中文章最开头的主标题,然后选择“格式”菜单下的“样式”命令,在打开的样式表中选择显示所有样式,并在样式表中选择“标题”样式。如果希望更改文字的效果,可以点击样式名旁边的下拉菜单,选择“修改”命令,并设置为你所喜欢的样式。 第三步,找到文字内容中的一级标题,选中相应的文字,并在右边的样式表中选择标题1样式。请注意,只能选择这种样式,如果选择了其他样式,那么以后制作目录会出现错误。一般情况下,相应的标题前都有对应的编号,如“第一章”等。如果需要添加不同的编号,可以编辑标题1样式,选左下角“格式”菜单里的“项目符号和编号”,再选“编号”选项卡,选择你所喜欢的编号样式,然后保存修改即可。以后当你设置为相应级别的标题样式以后,在标题前都会有对应的编号出现,而且自动按顺序排列好。 第四步,如果没有你喜欢的编号(如“第一章”等复杂编号),也可以点击“自定义”按钮进行设置。在“编号样式”栏里可以选择基本的数字编号样式(如这里应该选“一、二、三……”),然后在“编号格式”文本框里会以灰色底纹显示基本的数字编号形式。在灰色框左右可以自由添加附加文字内容。(如这里应在“一”的左边添加“第”,在“一”的右边添加“章”。) 第五步,后面,请用同样的方法,设置好2级标题、3级标题等各级标题。然后我们就可以预览我们的目录了。请点击左下角的“大纲”预览模式,可以看到整个目录的雏形。左边的展开/折叠按钮可以展开或收起该标题下的内容(包括该主题的所有小标题和正文内容)。也可以在工具栏上的“大纲级别”下拉菜单里选择最多显示几级标题。 第六步,下面就可以制作目录了。将光标移动到主标题的前面,然后选择“插入”菜单下的“引用”——“索引和目录”命令,选择“目录”选项卡,设置好制表符、最多标题级别等选项,然后点击“确定”。 之后,我们的目录就大功告成啦!

组合两张图片的方法很多,用PS很方便,但是如果我们已经在WPS文字里插入了两张图片,如果再次打开PS软件也需要时间,那么怎么将两个图片组合呢?如图下图。下面小编马上就告诉大家怎么操作吧。 WPS组合图片的方法 方法是很简单的,也不麻烦,先将两个图片分别插入到WPS文字里,怎么插入图片应该不用说了吧,写了很多这样的经验了。插入后的两张图片如图所示。 点击第一张图片,也就是电脑显示屏样式的图片,右击鼠标选择设置对象格式,进入对象格式设置页面。 把第一张图片设置成板式–衬于文字下方的板式。设置完成后点击确定。 这个时候第二张图片(美女图片)就会自动把第一张图片掩盖起来。如图。 选中第二张图片,也就是美女图片,在他周围会出现几个点,拖动这些点调整图片的大小到合适的大小最好喝屏幕大的差不多,我说的是第一张电脑图片的屏幕,不是你的屏幕。如图。 也可以选中第二张图片,右键点击鼠标,选中设置对象格式,进入格式设置页面。为什么要说这种方法呢?因为这个方法更加的可以精确图片大小。 进入设置对象格式后,选中大小选项卡–取消掉锁定纵横比,选中设置高度为50毫米,宽度为80毫米,当然这个设置是根据自己的需要的。旋转为0度。点击确定。 返回WPS文字后就会发现图片的大小更改了,如果发现想要把图片旋转,这个时候选中第二张图片(美女图片),在他的上方有一个可以选择的按钮(红圈标注的地方),可以讲图片倾斜掉。如图

Excel中经常需要给数据进行一个换行的操作,数据具体该如何进行换行呢?下面是由小编分享的excel表格数据换行的教程,以供大家阅读和学习。 步骤1:你可以把单元格拉宽拉高,方法是光标移到行号下线或列标右线,待光标变成十字箭头时左键按住不放向下或向右拉动至合适的位置。然后右键——设置单元格格式——对齐——自动换行前打勾后确定。文本就会自动根据单元格的宽度换行了。 步骤2:要强制换行,可以在需要换行的地方按"Alt+回车键",文本就会像现在一样换行了。再打上几个空格,文档就成现在的样子了。 步骤3:不过,Excel是电子表格,对计算比较方便,写文档比较麻烦,写文档建议还是用Word,文档格式编排功能强大。 步骤1:首先打开excel表格,然后在窗口上面点击格式 步骤2:点击格式以后,在下拉菜单上面点击单元格 步骤3:点击单元格以后出现单元格格式窗口,在窗口上面点击对齐 步骤4:点击对齐后,在下面的文字控制栏里的自动换行前面打上勾然后点击确定就好了 步骤5:这样在表格里面输入的时候会自动切换到下一行了 步骤6:还有一种方法就是在换行的时候按住键盘上面的Alt键,然后再按下Enter键就可以自动换到下一行

我们在编辑Excel2007的时候,总会遇到遇到批量删除单元格内数据的情况,如果是逐个单元格删除数据那么只需点击Delete键即可,如果要批量去除选定区域的数据该如何操作呢?下面就跟小编一起看看吧。 Excel2007选定区域数据删除步骤 1.选中需要删除区域数据。 2.点击“Delete”键,这个时候会发现只删除第一个单元格里的数据。 3.我们可以右键选中的内容然后选择“清楚内容”就可以快速删除选定区域内的数据啦。Excel删除选定区域数据的

相信很多人在用EXCEL做数据统计分析时都需要用到数据透视表,在做数据统计的时候使用《数据透视表》来汇总,非常方便哦,但是数据透视表怎么用呢?现在给大家讲解下方法吧。1.打开你需要汇总的EXCEL表格,点击插入里面的数据透视表 2.出现数据透视表的数据源选择项,选择你所需要的数据确定,就会出现数据透视表的报表选项 3.将你所需要的报表字段,用鼠标左键点住不放,拖入右边的行坐标和数值区域 4.一般我们做数据汇总时都是将数据求和,或者求平均数等等,所以这时就要对数值区域的字段进行修改。选择字段后边的小三角行,点击“值字段设置”,将计算类型修改成你所需要的“求和”或者其它。5.确定后关闭报表,汇总结果就出来了。

在excel表格中对个别数据添加批注是对数据做的进一步解释和说明,有助于我们更好的理解表格内容。而对批注进行编辑,可以使批注更加突出、醒目。下面小编就给大家详细介绍下如何在excel2007中插入并编辑批注。操作步骤 选中要插入批注的单元格,这里选择“A1”单元格。单击鼠标右键,在弹出的列表中,选择“插入批注”命令。 弹出批注编辑框,在编辑框内输入要批注的内容。 输入完成后单击表格的其它任意位置,编辑框就退出了。单元格“A1”单元格的右上角有个红色的三角形符号。 当鼠标移至“A1”单元格时,刚刚设置的批注就会显示出来。

在使用Excel工作表的时候,经常会添加一些自选图形,也就是Excel自带的图形,这样我们就不需要重新绘制这些图形了。本节内容主要讲解自选图形的添加以及样式的设置。操作步骤 启动Excel2007,点击菜单栏–插入–形状按钮,如下图红色方框标记。 在系统提供的诸多形状中选取一种。 选好之后,鼠标左键按住不放,画出这个图形,然后在形状样式功能项里面进行调整。 调整之后的图形如下图所示。

Part 5_Excel 12中的排序问题(一)_Excel 2007新知
Tables Part 5: Everything you wanted to know about sorting in Excel 12表格部分 5: Excel 12中的排序问题I mentioned in my previous post that the three-condition limit on sorting (Data|Sort) has been removed in Excel 12. As someone correctly pointed out in a comment many posts ago, this means the current sort dialog has changed in Excel 12. Here’s what the new dialog will look like (as always, all the details aren’t finalized, but the key features are clear) if you were in the middle of trying to sort a table by 5 columns:我在以前的贴中已提到过,在Excel12中去除了排序(数据|排序)的三个条件限制。正如有人在以前的贴中指出的,这意味着在Excel12中,排序对话框改变了。下面就是当试图在新的对话框对5列进行排序的的样子(和以往一样,细节上没有最终确定,但主要特点很清晰)。The dialog is similar in behaviour to the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager discussed in an earlier post. To create sort conditions, users just need to just click on the “Add” button – users can now sort on up to 64 columns – and specify what they want the sort criteria to be. Just like with filters, sorts are smart about data types so we use that information to offer settings that are more descriptive and easier to understand than “ascending” and “descending’. For example, for text columns you will see “A to Z” and “Z to A”, for numeric columns you will see “smallest to largest” and “largest to smallest”, and for date columns you will see “newest to oldest” and “oldest to newest”. Sort conditions can be reordered using the buttons at the top of the dialog. Sort conditions can also be copied to save time. The Options button allows users to specify whether the sort should be case sensitive and allows users to specify the sort orientation (both of these features exist in Excel 2003).这个对话框的特性和以前讨论的条件格式类似。 若创建排序条件,用户只需点击“增加”按钮 – 用户即可进行64列以上的排序 – 同时指定他们需要的排序标准. 和筛选功能类似,排序可以智能识别数据类型,我们利用此信息来设置比“升序”和“降序”更清晰易懂的排序描述 例如,对于文字列,你会看到 “A 到 Z” 和 “Z 到 A”, 对于数字列,你会看到 “最小到最大” 和 “最大到最小”, 对于日期列,你会看到 “最新到最老” 和 “最老到最新”. 排序条件可以用对话框最上面的按钮进行重新排列. 排序条件也可以复制以节省时间. 选择按钮允许用户指定排序是否需区分大小写,也允许用户指定排序方向 (这两种特点在 Excel 2003中都有).To see a bit more of the new functionality we have enabled in Excel 12, let’s take a look at another example. Assume I have the following table which contains both manually-applied and conditional formatting (ignore the data – I used RANDBETWEEN() to generate that).为了更好的理解我们在Excel 12中激活的新功能内容, 让我们看另外一个例子. 假设下面的表格里包含手工设置的格式和条件格式 (不要在意这些数据 – 我是用RANDBETWEEN()函数生成它们的).One of the common requests we hear from users is the desire to sort by colour, either manually applied or applied by conditional format. In Excel 12, we bring you exactly that – in addition to cell value, you can sort by

Another goal that we had for conditional formatting was to address top customer requests, like more than three conditions, the ability to reorder conditions, and the ability to have more than one condition resolve true. Let’s take a look at some of the more advanced conditional formatting UI and how it allows us to address those customer requests (again, UI is not final). First, let’s look at the “Conditional Formatting Rules Legend” dialog:我们有关条件格式的另一个改进目标是满足用户的最主要的需求,比如多于三个条件、录制条件的能力、多重条件判断。让我们来看看更高级的条件格式界面以及它是如何满足那些用户的需求的。首先,让我们看看“条件格式规则图例”对话框:(译者注:在最新版本中,已经改为“管理规则”)The Conditional Formatting Rules Legend dialog is the one-stop place to view and manage all the conditional formats in a workbook. Using this dialog, you can:•View existing rules – you can view the rule condition, the range it is applied to, and the format set on the rule. The ‘Show Formatting Rules for’ dropdown at the top of the dialog allows you to change the scope of the rules you are looking at. You can view rules for the selected cells, the current worksheet, the current Table, other worksheets in the book, other Tables in the workbook, or the entire workbook.•Add new rules via the New Rule button. More on this below.•Change the order in which rules are evaluated. This is done using the up and down arrow buttons.•Edit existing rules via the Edit Rule button. The Edit Rule UI is the same as the "New Rule" UI explained below.•Delete rules via the Delete Rule button.•Control whether more than one Rule can evaluate to true. More on this below.

SmartArt 图形和样式(二)
The second gallery provides a range of different color options that can be selected for a SmartArt Graphic, each one applying one or more theme color in a different way to the graphic.第二个图库提供许多不同的可以为SmartArt选择的颜色选项,每个选项按不同的方式应用一个或者多个主题颜色到该图形。And here's that same SmartArt Graphic with a few color variations applied:这里是应用一些不同颜色的相同SmartArt图形:The goal of each of these galleries, combining a SmartArt Graphic with an array of styles and color variations, is to allow you to create a unique visual. 每种图库结合SmartArt图形一系列不同的样式和颜色变化的目的是让你创建独特的视觉效果。But, if the built in galleries are not enough to give you the look you want, almost all elements of a SmartArt Graphic are customizable. 但是,如果内置的图库不够提供你想要的外观的话,几乎所有SmartArt图形的成员都是可自定义的。SmartArt Graphics are built on the same foundation as regular shapes in Excel. Therefore, if you do not like the automatic text sizing, you can override it by manually applying a different font size. If the quick style gallery does not have the right combination of fills, lines, and effects then you can apply an individual shape style or fully customize the shape yourself. If the size and position of a shape on the worksheet is not the way you want it, then you can just move the shape around or resize it. The formatting tab within "SmartArt Tools" provides an entry point to many of these customizations:

SmartArt 图形和样式(一)
SmartArt Graphics with StyleSmartArt 图形和样式Here is the second guest post from Matthew Kotler, a lead program manager on the SmartArt team.这是Matthew Kotler的第二篇客串帖子,他是SmartArt小组的主要项目经理。In the last post, I presented an overview of SmartArt Graphics. In this post, I'll show how to take the basic SmartArt Graphic that you have created and format it to make it really stand out (or subtly fit in, depending on your goal). Just like cells, tables, and shapes, SmartArt Graphics build on the rich functionality of document themes. When you insert a SmartArt Graphic into your spreadsheet (or document or presentation) you can be assured that it will match the rest of the content on the sheet. Like each of these other objects, if you change the theme of the spreadsheet, the look of the SmartArt Graphic will change. 在上篇帖子里,我发表了SmartArt图形的概述。在本篇中,我将演示如何将你创建的普通SmartArt图形设置格式使其真正突出(或者巧妙的融入,取决于你的目的)。正如单元格,表格和图形(译者:Shape)一样,SmartArt图形也为文档主题丰富的功能性增色不少。当你插入一个SmartArt图形到电子表格(或者文档或演示稿)时,你可以肯定它将和工作表的其它部分相匹配。就象其它的每个对象一样,如果你更改电子表格的主题,那么SmartArt图形的外观也将改变。SmartArt Graphics also includes two galleries for quickly changing the look of a graphic on the Design tab under SmartArt Tools.SmartArt图形在SmartArt工具下面的设计页上也含有两个图库,以供快速更改图形的外观。The first gallery provides a range of different stylistic options including different shape fills, line styles, shadows, and 3D effects. Like many of the other galleries across Office 2007, this gallery has automatic live preview to show what your graphic could look like with one of the quick styles applied.

Excel Services part 8: Controlling and protecting spreadsheetsExcel服务第8部分:控制和保护数据表To this point in my discussion of Excel Services, I have written primarily about the user-facing part of Excel Services – all the things customers can do with Excel Web Access and Excel Web Services in order to execute and interact with workbooks on the server. In the next two posts, I plan to cover some of the security aspects of Excel – how customers who deploy Excel Services can “lock down” and protect key spreadsheets. 在我以前的有关Excel服务的论述中,我主要介绍过Excel服务的用户界面部分——用户可以利用Excel Web Access和Excel Web服务完成这些操作,使得数据表在服务器上与工作簿相互结合。在下两篇文章中,我打算介绍一些Excel安全方面的知识——配置Excel服务的用户怎样才能“锁定”和保护关键数据表。In my overview of Excel Services, I mentioned that a request that we frequently hear from customers is the ability to limit access to spreadsheets either for regulatory and audit concerns or to protect proprietary information in spreadsheets. To address this requirement, one of the main things that we've done (in addition to allowing users to execute and view spreadsheets on the server) is extended the Windows SharePoint Services (SharePoint) architecture with a new “right”, which we call a the “View Item” right.在我的“Excel服务概览”这篇文章里,我提到过,用户经常给我们提出这样一个要求,要求我们提供限制访问数据表的功能,例如:管理和审核利害关系或者保护专有信息。为了达到这个要求,我们所做的主要事情就是给Windows SharePoint服务体系增加一个“权限”(除了允许用户在服务器*问和查看数据表),我们把它叫做“查看项目”权限。Before I get into exactly what the View Item right is, let me give a bit of background on what SharePoint is, and how it relates to Excel Services. As I've mentioned in previous posts, Excel Services is built as part of the SharePoint products and technologies platform. For the context of this conversation on the View Item right, consider SharePoint as a document store on the server – users can save and version files, administrators can control access permissions, etc., all via any browser (Note, SharePoint does *a lot* more than this – in addition to being a document store, SharePoint provides many more features which you can read about here).在我还没有深入介绍什么是查看项目权限之前,让我先简单的介绍一下什么是SharePoint,它是怎样和Excel服务发生联系的。正如我在前面的文章中提到,Excel服务是基于SharePoint产品和技术平台的一部分。为了便于理解查看项目权限,在这里我们把SharePoint看作服务器上的一个文档库——用户可以保存和修改文件,管理员可以控制访问权限等等,所有这些通过任何一个浏览器都能实现(注:SharePoint还可以做更多的事情——除了作为一个文档库之外,SharePoint还提供更多的功能,你可以看这里)Currently, SharePoint administrators can give users “Reader” rights (look at content), “Contributor” rights (look at, change, and add to content), or “Administrator” rights (full control). One way to think of this is similar to a regular file system and the file access rights that can be set (e.g. read only, read/write etc.)

XII 筛选OLAP数据,以及一些“持续”改进(二)
And now my report is showing only bikes with a profit margin greater than 40%.现在报表只显示利润大于40%的自行车了。(Click to enlarge)I am personally a very big fan of this feature.我个人认为这个功能非常有趣。Hiding levels of hierarchiesExcel 12 PivotTables that are connected to Analysis Services allow you to hide any level of a hierarchy as long as at least one level is still visible. As an example, say I want to compare bikes independent of what type of bike they are (I don’t want to see Category or Subcategory information). To do this, I can hide the parent levels of the product name level. Specifically, I just need to select Show/Hide Levels from the PivotTable context menu, and from there I can toggle on or off any levels I like. 隐藏层次级别连接到Analysis Services的Excel 12数据透视表允许你隐藏任何层次级,只要至少还有一级是可见的就可以。举例说,假如我想比较自行车,不管它们是什么型号(我不要查看Category或Subcategory信息)。要实现这个,我可以隐藏产品名称级别的父级别。确切地说,我只需要从数据透视表的右键菜单中选择显示、隐藏就可以,并且从那里,我可以切换任意级别的开或关。

Excel Services part 10: Data Connection Libraries, or connecting to databases made easy, manageable, and secureExcel 服务第十部分:数据连接库,更简单,更易管理,更安全的数据连接In the past few posts I have talked about all the work we have done to make managing, sharing, and securing your Excel workbooks better using SharePoint and Excel Services. Today, I am going to cover a new feature that provides management, sharing, and security of data connections – the Data Connection Library (DCL).过去几篇文章里我们已经讨论过所有使用SharePoint和Excel服务以实现对Excel工作簿更好的管理、共享以及安全的方法。今天,我将要介绍一个可以对数据连接实现管理、共享和安全性的新功能--数据连接库DCL(Data Connection Library)。What is a Data Connection Library?A Data Connection Library (or DCL) is a new type of SharePoint library (much like a document library) that provides a place to store, share, and manage connection files. By connection files, I mean Office Data Connection (ODC) files which contain all the information and parameters needed to form a data connection, such as server name, OLAP cube or table name, and query (note – ODC files are not a new feature – they were introduced in Excel 2002). Since the DCL is a library in SharePoint, it comes with all the great SharePoint features you would expect – such as workflow support, file approval, library level/item level security, and sorting filtering based on metadata. You can create a DCL the same way you create any library, and DCLs can be created almost anywhere in SharePoint e.g. on a portal, team site, etc. Here is what a DCL looks like in SharePoint 12.什么是数据连接库?数据连接库(DCL)是一种新的SharePoint库,很像一个文档库,它提供了一个存储、共享以及管理连接文件的空间。连接文件,这里是指一个包含了用于构建一个完整数据连接的信息和字段(例如:服务器名,OLAP CUBE,表和查询等)的ODC(Office Data Connection)连接文件(注:ODC文件是在Excel 2002中被引入的)。鉴于DCL是一个SharePoint的库,正如你所期望的一样,它也带来了SharePoint的所有强大功能,像工作流的支持,文档的签入签出,库或项目级的安全性,基于元数据的归类和过滤。你可以像创建任何库一样的创建一个DCL文件,此外,DCL可以创建在SharePoint中几乎任何地方,例如:一个门户,工作组站点等等。下面是一幅SharePoint 12中DCL的样子:Even though the DCL reuses the library concept in SharePoint, it is much more valuable than just a document library full of connection files – this is because of how Excel interacts with the DCL. Let’s take a look at that and see how the DCL and Excel 12 solve a few problems.